Heart Healing

Experience Inner Healing and Freedom at Soteria Ministries.
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Proverbs 4:23 tells us,
"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it".

Life happens in and through our heart. What goes on inside our hearts impacts every area of our heart. Although you cannot diagnose it, and it doesn't have any outward symptoms that you can look at but emotional pain is very real and people are forced to navigate around that pain in their lives. So many times emotional pain is worse than actual physical pain. The purpose of this site is to acquaint you with and give you tools to recognize and deal with your own emotional pain and hurt. Some areas deep in your heart has not believed and accepted the good news of your death and rebirth in Him, the fullness of His work has not yet happened for you. You are a new creature in Him, yes, but some of your old-self-centered selfish character continues to act in its ugly old ways as though you had never received Him as Lord. We know that mere conversion will not take care of these emotional pains and wounds. No! So many Christians just think you can speak it away, or pray it away, or cast it out-  no, emotional pain needs to be validated and  emotional healing will come when you make a connection with the Holy Spirit so that He can directly speak to your heart and show you those wounds that are so deep that have kept you from moving forward, or reaching your full potential in him or even discovering what your destiny is. If there are deep wounds, there needs to be deep healing. Welcome to our page where our goal is to help you experience that healing.
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Hello and Welcome to Soteria Ministries!

My name is Myra Carden, and I'm the CEO and founder of Soteria Ministries. I am a Christian Healing Certified Practitioner, Biblical Counselor, and minister/teacher for inner healing.

I am an advocate against domestic violence, trafficking, abuse, abortion, and any other area of emotional abuse and healing with certification from FocusMinistries.

I became an Ordained Minister on April 5, 2020 under City Reach Ministries, Inc. I teach Inner Healing and Freedom. At Soteria Ministries, we help prayer recipients get to the root of their emotional wound, realign with the Truth and help them walk in victory. I wrote and published the syllabus.

We invite you to reach out to Soteria Ministries today to learn more. We would love the opportunity to help you.
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Inner (Heart) Healing & Freedom

Are you ready to walk through the doors of lasting healing and spiritual freedom with Jesus by your side? Yes, Jesus. Inner (Heart) Healing and Freedom Vol. 1 is your companion on this transformative journey to restore your wounded heart, renew your mind, and heal your soul. This book was written with heartfelt testimonies, God's truth, and spiritual wisdom to help you see yourself the way Jesus sees you. Author Myra Carden guides you to break free from emotional wounds, release past traumas, and embrace the fullness of your God-given calling,

Whether you seek to forgive past hurts that run deep, overcome inner struggles, or grow closer to God, this book is your life's roadmap to wholeness and total healing. When pain no longer resides inside your heart, purpose will flourish. Discover the freedom that awaits when you embrace Jesus' love through Inner (Heart) Healing.
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You will learn what it is, who needs it, that it is mandated from Heaven; and much more. SIGN UP NOW TO GET CONNECTED.
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What Customers are Saying

"So many of us are walking through life with a wall. Some we’ve created and some thrusted upon us. I love this book because it cuts through the noise and gets straight to the heart of the matter. All of us experience brokenness. It’s inevitable in a fallen world. This book is a must for any and everyone struggling through life, be it addiction or trauma. It’s a great read and perfect tool to utilize on the road to recovery. Bought two and plan to purchase more for our recovery group."

~ Sade C.

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